Cybersecurity is a complex issue requiring a partnership between the Mailing Industry and USPS to find innovative ways to stay ahead of threats.

Recognizing the urgent and growing threats to the security of data and privacy, the National Postal Policy Council (NPPC) has met with the USPS Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), Greg Crabb, and members of his team to discuss the importance of working together to improve and mitigate concerns around cybersecurity.

NPPC member companies recognize the imperative for strong cybersecurity and staying ahead of potential cyber threats. In our Mailing Industry eco-system, we provide mailing data to the USPS electronically – and in turn the USPS provides data and services to business mailers. It is critical to protect this data exchange.

Over the years, cybersecurity concerns have evolved from preventing bored high school students from hacking into school websites to change a grade to protecting against sophisticated criminal attacks on individuals, companies, industries, cities, and governments. Even as these malicious threats increase, our NPPC member businesses recognize the potentially disastrous impacts a security breach can have on any company.

NPPC’s Board is spearheading the association’s work with the USPS to explore new ways to better protect critical mailing services and data exchanges. We all benefit by working together to better understand new cybersecurity threats, sharing best practices for security, and partnering together to mitigate security concerns.  We are encouraged by the willingness of the USPS CISO team to work with us, and the industry generally through MTAC and otherwise.

In that spirit, I want to share a cybersecurity website, produced by AT&T, that provides tips and information to help educate consumers and businesses on a variety of cybersecurity issues and topics: Feel free to share this website with your friends, family, and business partners, but also – please review the important information yourself. Protecting yourself and your business from cybersecurity threats could help protect others, as well.

Sharon Harrison – AT&T Service, Postal Strategy & NPPC Treasurer